About (Long Description)

Are you a senior who is looking for help to keep your feet and nails healthy?

If you are, footcare services can help you with foot hygiene, nail trimming and other ways to maintain good foot health. Footcare services are important for seniors – especially people with diabetes – to avoid complications that can lead to hospital stays and a loss of independence.

What is footcare?

A footcare service provider is a registered nurse (RN) or a licensed practical nurse (LPN) who can regularly assess the condition of your feet while checking for and treating any inflammation, bruising, cuts or blisters.  A podiatrist can also deliver footcare by preventing, diagnosing and treating conditions associated with the foot.  

Some examples of when you can benefit from footcare services:

  • If you have foot conditions related to diabetes or other illnesses.
  • If you have health or age-related issues that impact your ability to care for your feet and nails. 

Based on your preference and personal circumstances, you can access footcare services in two different ways:

1. You can access these services at any time directly from a qualified professional that provides footcare in your region.

  • Some home support agencies throughout the province provide footcare services. To find contact information for these agencies, click here
  • The New Brunswick Podiatry Association can also help you connect with a podiatrist for footcare services. To find contact information for the New Brunswick Podiatry Association, click here.

2. If eligible, you may qualify for services with a footcare provider through a Government of New Brunswick program. You must go through an application process that involves you and your physician or nurse practitioner completing a form that shows the benefit is medically necessary. 

    About (Short Description)
    Footcare services can help keep your feet healthy and prevent problems such as infections, falls and serious injuries such as hip fractures. Keeping your feet in good working condition with footcare services will promote your well-being, mobility and independence.
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    What Do I Need? (Optional Introduction)

    If you don’t require financial assistance and are accessing footcare services on your own, you can contact a qualified professional directly through a home support agency in your area or the New Brunswick Podiatry Association.

    If you require financial help, you need to apply for the service by filling out a form that must also be completed by your doctor or nurse practitioner to provide information about your health. Depending on which government program you may be already receiving assistance from, the process varies slightly. 

    Who Qualifies?

    To access footcare services directly and to pay for it out of pocket, you can contact a qualified footcare services provider. Some of the home support agencies that are located throughout the province provide footcare services. To find contact information for these agencies, click here.  To contact a podiatrist in your region for footcare services, click here. Some health insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost.

    If you live in a nursing home, you can ask the staff to help find a footcare service provider in your area. Footcare is not part of the services provided at New Brunswick nursing homes.

    If you need support  keeping your feet and nails in good condition, you may qualify for financial assistance through the Government of New Brunswick to help pay for footcare services.

    You may qualify if you are:

    • Receiving services through the Long Term Care Program.
    • Receiving Income Assistance.
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    Senior receiving footcare