About (Long Description)

Do you receive Social Assistance and need help transitioning to a job? 

The Career Development Opportunities Program (CDO) connects individuals receiving Social Assistance and are potentially employable to programs and services to help them transition to work and, ultimately, self-sufficiency.

This program empowers you to pursue your preferred future by providing financial and career development case management. It takes a client-centred, compassionate and strength-based approach. 

A career development case manager can:

  • Help you set goals
  • Work with you to develop a personal plan
  • Answer questions or concerns about training or employment
  • Refer you to services and programs

There is a range of programs and services to give you the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours you need to succeed in your education, training and employment. These include small-group sessions, classroom and on-the-job training, custom career planning services and more. Along with these programs, special benefits may be available to help you reach your goals, as well as support obtaining items needed for a job, such as work boots or dress clothes. 

If you are not receiving Social Assistance and are interested in career support services, you can contact the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour for information on their programs. Click here to visit their website. Click here for a list of their local offices. 

Who Qualifies?

Career development services are offered to all clients receiving Social Assistance who have the potential for employment. To see who is eligible for Social Assistance, click here.

How Do I Apply? (Introduction)

To qualify for the Career Development Opportunities Program, you must first be eligible for Social Assistance. To apply for it, follow the steps below. 

    How Do I Apply? (Process Steps)

    Gather the following information before you contact the Department of Social Development. You will need to provide:

    • Your mailing address
    • Your home address (if different from your mailing address)
    • Your rental or mortgage costs

    For every member in the household, you will need to provide:

    • First and last name
    • Birthdate
    • Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    • Income from all sources, including employment, Employment Insurance, etc.
    • Assets, such as bank accounts, car, house, etc.

    Call Social Development at 1-833-733-7835. A screener will take your call. They will ask questions to see if you may be eligible for Social Assistance.

    If you may be eligible for Social Assistance, the agent will make an appointment for you to complete the application package and provide the required documents. 

    Once your application is complete, we will review the information to see if you meet the program’s financial requirements. We will also assess your employability.

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    Two women and a man sit at computers.
    About (Short Description)
    The Career Development Opportunities Program (CDO) connects individuals receiving Social Assistance to programs and services to help them realize their potential and to transition to employment.
    What Do I Need? (Optional Introduction)

    Along with your mailing and home addresses and rental/mortgage costs, please be prepared to provide the following for every member of your household:  

    What Do I Need? (List of Requirements)

    First and last name


    Social Insurance Number (SIN)

    Income from all sources, including employment, Employment Insurance, etc.

    Assets, such as bank accounts, car, house, etc.
