About (Long Description)

Don’t have a drug plan?

There are two plans for New Brunswickers who don’t have coverage to help with the cost of prescription drugs:

  • The New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program: For seniors who get the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or have a low income.
  • The New Brunswick Drug Plan: For uninsured New Brunswickers who need drug coverage. Premiums and maximum copayments are based on your income level. 
Who Qualifies?

If you are a New Brunswick resident with a valid Medicare card and don’t have coverage through another drug plan, you may be eligible.

You qualify for the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program if:

  • You receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). If you have questions about the GIS, call Service Canada at 1-800-227-9914.

You qualify for the New Brunswick Drug Plan if:

  • You do not have drug coverage from a private or government plan.
  • You have drug coverage on a private plan and:
    • Have reached your annual or lifetime maximum, or
    • Have been prescribed a drug that is not covered by your plan, or
    • Have been prescribed a drug that is covered by your plan, but not for your condition.

If you have questions about the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program or New Brunswick Drug Plan, call 1-800-332-3692 or email info@nbdrugs-medicamentsnb.ca.


How Do I Apply? (Process Steps)

For the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program:

Fill out the Guaranteed Income Supplement Confirmation Form. You will need to provide:

  • Your Social Insurance Number
  • Your Medicare Number
  • A letter from Service Canada showing the month the Guaranteed Income Supplement was added to your old-age pension. You can get this letter by calling: 1-800-277-9914.

Fax the completed form to 1-888-455-8322 or mail it to:

P.O. Box 690

Moncton, N.B.

E1C 8M7

For the New Brunswick Drug Plan:

Before applying, call the New Brunswick Drug Plan Inquiry Line at 1-800-332-3692 to confirm your medication is included in the New Brunswick Drug Plan Formulary.

Fill out the New Brunswick Drug Plan Application Form. You will need to provide:

  • Medicare Numbers for you, your spouse and dependents (if applicable)
  • Social Insurance Numbers for you and your spouse (if applicable)
  • Your consent for the Canada Revenue Agency to release your family income to the New Brunswick Drug Plan
  • A void cheque or direct deposit/pre-authorized payment form from your financial institution

Fax the completed form to 1-888-455-8322 or mail it to:

P.O. Box 690

Moncton, N.B.

E1C 8M7

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About (Short Description)
There are two public plans for New Brunswickers who don’t have prescription drug coverage: the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program and the New Brunswick Drug Plan.
What Do I Need? (List of Requirements)

For the New Brunswick Prescription Drug Program:

  • Guaranteed Income Supplement Confirmation Form
  • Your Social Insurance Number
  • Your Medicare Number
  • A letter from Service Canada showing the month the Guaranteed Income Supplement was added to your old-age pension

For the New Brunswick Drug Plan:

  • Medicare Numbers for you, your spouse and dependents (if applicable)
  • Social Insurance Numbers for you and your spouse (if applicable)
  • A void cheque or direct deposit/pre-authorized payment form from your financial institution