About (Long Description)

Would you like to have more flexibility to manage your in-home services for the Long Term Care Program or the Disability Support Program?

If the answer is yes, Self-Managed Support may be right for you. Self-Managed Support (SMS) gives individuals choice, flexibility and greater independence by allowing them to manage their own services. It means that you will receive a lump sum payment at the beginning of every month to cover the cost of the services you receive. 

Through the Long Term Care and Disability Support Programs, you are assessed, a plan is developed between you, a social worker and other people who support you, and services are coordinated that are tailored to your needs. With the Self-Managed Support option, you are responsible for overseeing your care needs by coordinating, managing and directing services identified in this Support Plan.

Self-Managed Support may make sense if you or someone who supports you:

  • is looking for more flexibility in accessing services,
  • enjoys making decisions and directing services,
  • is interested in recruiting and hiring your service providers, and
  • is organized and accustomed to coordinating activities.

Key details of Self-Managed Support:

  • Adults in the Long Term Care and Disability Support Programs have the option to hire family members not living in their residence.
  • A lump sum payment is issued directly to you at the beginning of every month.
  • You are permitted to carry over unused funding portions within the same calendar year.
  • At the end of the year your social worker will review your plan and expenditures and any necessary changes will be made to your plan for the next year.

Your responsibilities 

You have the choice to hire support services through a private arrangement or through an agency. For services you get through an agency or private arrangements, you are responsible for:

  • arranging appropriate services as identified in your Support Plan;
  • hiring and training staff to meet your circumstances; and
  • ensuring that the skills and qualifications of the service are meeting your requirements.
Who Qualifies?

Individuals in the Long Term Care and Disability Support Programs may be eligible to receive services through the Self-Managed Support option.

How Do I Apply? (Process Steps)

If you are interested in accessing Self-Managed Support, you can contact your regional office of Social Development to discuss the option with your social worker.


If you decide to move forward with Self-Managed Support, you must complete a Self-Managed Support Option Agreement. Your social worker can guide you through this process.

Note: You should discuss with your social worker any unique or exceptional situations that aren’t covered in the provisions of the terms and conditions in the Self-Managed Support Agreement.

You are required to keep up-to-date records of how you spend allocated funding for services from the Long Term Care or Disability Support Programs. Funding is provided for services in your Support Plan and you must keep records of all cheques issued as well as a record for services purchased. These records are reviewed during the annual review of the Support Plan or when requested by Social Development.

It is recommended that you open a separate bank account to manage all funds from Social Development for Self-Managed Support.

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Women in a wheelchair on a laptop
About (Short Description)
Learn about how New Brunswickers have the option to receive funding directly to manage their own care needs.
What Do I Need? (Optional Introduction)


Do I need to get the approval of the Department of Social Development for the service providers I choose?

No. You don’t need to get the approval of the department for the service providers you choose under Self-Managed Support.


Can I withdraw from the Self-Managed Support option at any time?

Yes. You can opt in or out of Self-Managed Support at any time. You need to give a 30-day written notice to withdraw. Opting out of Self-Managed Support doesn’t change your eligibility for Long Term Care or Disability Support Program services.


How will my expenditures be tracked?

You must submit expense forms listing all services purchased, along with corresponding receipts annually, or when requested by Social Development.


What if my support needs fluctuate and/or change?

The Department of Social Development recognizes that your needs may change from month to month (for example, respite needs, vacations, holidays, etc.) The Self-Managed Support option enables you to adjust the supports as you need and/or carry over unused funding within the same calendar year. When you don’t need services for an extended period, you must notify the Department of Social Development.


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