About (Long Description)

Is vision loss making daily activities such as reading, cooking meals, doing household chores or travelling a challenge for you?

Losing some, or all, of your eyesight can affect how you live your life. The specialists with Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick can provide personalized training and support to help you stay independent, healthy and active while continuing to live in your own home.

What kind of help can I get? 

Vision Loss Rehabilitation specialists:

  • Help identify challenges related to vision loss and work with you to develop a personalized plan for rehabilitation.
  • Coordinate services and help you navigate the health-care system, so you are able to access the help you need. 
  • Provide emotional support to help adjust to vision loss. 
  • Provide easy-to-understand, comprehensive information about vision loss and the impact on day-to-day activities.
  • Help you make the most of your remaining vision, so you can live a full life.
  • Offer instruction, tools, and resources for independent living. Learn about meal preparation, identifying money, organizing personal items, and household management.
  • Provide training in the use of technology; such as tablets, smartphones and computers.
  • Offer orientation and mobility training (including white canes).  Learn how about safe and independent travel at home, work, and in your community.

Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick operates with funding from both the Department of Health and Department of Social Development. 

What are some of the benefits of Vision Loss Rehabilitation? 

  • Removing the barriers related to sight loss in mobility and independent living.
  • Learning about practical strategies to continue doing everyday activities and living well.
  • Understanding eye conditions and knowing how to stay safe.
  • Developing a sense of connection and peer support with others who’ve been affected by sight loss.
  • Having people to talk to that understand the changes and adjustment loss of vision takes.
  • Gaining the confidence to ask for help when needed.
Who Qualifies?

You are eligible for services through Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick if you:

  • Are a resident of New Brunswick, and
  • Have vision loss that makes it challenging for you to do things on a day-to-day basis.
How Do I Apply? (Introduction)

If your daily life is impacted by sight loss, you can access Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick services in three ways:

Self-referral: People with vision loss can reach out for assistance by calling one of the four numbers noted below

  • Saint John: 1-506-634-7277
  • Fredericton: 1-506-458-0060
  • Moncton: 1-506-857-4240
  • Beresford: 1-506-546-9922

Referral from professionals, educators, and employers: Support the vision related needs of a client, employee or student by making a referral.

Referral from a health professional: An ophthalmologist, optometrist, Extra-Mural worker, or other primary-care provider can send a request on your behalf.

How Do I Apply? (Process Steps)

Health professionals can refer you to Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada using the online referral form.

They may also print the Health Care Professionals Referral Form and send it by

  • Fax: 1-844-267-7294, or
  • Email: info@vlrehab.ca

Referrals are recommended as soon as someone has lost enough vision to affect their confidence and ability to carry out everyday tasks.

You must give permission to the health professional to share your information, which includes details about your sight, to Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick. 

Once a referral is made, a certified specialist from Vision Loss Rehabilitation will reach out to you within 10 business days. The specialist will work with you to assess your needs and goals, and develop a personalized rehabilitation plan. 

This personalized plan may include a range of services​, depending on your needs and goals. Services may be delivered over a series of appointments in your home or community, workplace, over the phone, online or at one of the Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick ​offices.

Contact Information
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woman with vision loss pouring water from hot kettle in her kitchen
About (Short Description)
Vision Loss Rehabilitation New Brunswick provides information and training that helps people who are blind or partially sighted live independently and safely in their own homes and their community.
What Do I Need? (Optional Introduction)

To complete the Vision Loss Rehabilitation Referral Form, your Health Care Provider will need to ask you:

What Do I Need? (List of Requirements)

Details about your sight,

Basic information about yourself such as (name, address, date of birth, etc.), and

For consent to release your information.
