About (Long Description

Do you need immediate social services or support? Do you know of someone whose safety or well-being is at risk, and who needs immediate access to social services?

The Department of Social Development provides emergency services from 4:30 p.m. - 8:15 a.m. seven days a week, and 24 hours a day on weekends and holidays to those who need immediate help through its After Hours Emergency Social Services (AHESS). Call 1-833-733-7835 for assistance.

This service exists to:

  • ensure the safety and well-being of children, youth, adults with disabilities and seniors, and
  • provide an emergency response capacity for Social Development programs and services, including for people receiving social assistance.

The social workers on duty are trained to assess situations to help people with immediate needs that cannot wait until the Social Development offices reopen during regular working hours. The response to a request for service is determined on a case-by-case basis. If your request is determined not to be urgent, you may be asked to call the department back during regular office hours or referred to community resources as appropriate.

When to call

You can call the after-hours line to get services for yourself or you can call about someone else. Some examples of when you may need to call, include:

  1. You have information or concerns about a child, adult with disabilities or a senior at risk of neglect or abuse;
  2. You are currently receiving social assistance and dealing with an unforeseen emergency situation such as a fire, flood or other circumstance that requires immediate support; and
  3. You are a current Social Development client or service provider that requires immediate help related to an emergency situation.
About (Short Description)
If you or someone you know is in a situation where social services are needed right away, call the Department of Social Development at 1-833-733-7835. Please note: The After Hours Emergency Social Services line is only for critical circumstances that need immediate attention.
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Female social worker on the phone.
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