About (Long Description

Young people are the future of New Brunswick, and each one deserves to grow up in a world free of harm. They rely on us to keep them safe. The new Child and Youth Well-Being Act is built on the foundation of putting the interests and overall, well-being of children and youth first, and on the principle that early detection and intervention are essential in helping all children and youth thrive. Hearing what children and youth want (their voices) is a very important part of the Act. 


NEW* Thank you for your feedback!

We are now reviewing your ideas and suggestions to ensure we make the best decisions for the well-being of New Brunswick's children and youth.

Children and youth have many rights. Some of these include the right to: 

  • protection from harm 
  • privacy 
  • participate in the decisions that affect them 
  • leisure, play and culture 
  • grow up in a safe and nurturing environment 
  • have access to education, and 
  • to be connected with family and others who will help them develop and grow. 

We have committed to: 

  • act in the best interest of children and youth including their overall well-being 
  • taking protective action when they are at risk of harm 
  • supporting children and youth and their families 
  • utilizing collaborative approaches that build upon children, youth and families’ strengths and resources 
  • working with children and youth to search out kin and significant others who can be a support to them 
  • helping them develop and grow up to the best of their abilities 
  • supporting youth and young adults through life transitions
  • offering social services to expectant parents and birth parents 
  • providing a continuum of out-of-home care options that are child/youth-centered ongoing engagement with stakeholders to help optimize our service-delivery  
  • a formal review of the new Child and Youth Well-Being Act in five years’ time.  
About (Short Description)
The new Child and Youth Well-Being Act sets the stage for us to better meet the current and changing needs of children and youth in New Brunswick.
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