About (Long Description

Are you pregnant or a parent? 

There are provincial and federal benefits for pregnant women and families with children under the age of 18. Families with low incomes may qualify for money to help with: 

  • Maternity leave 

  • Raising children  

  • Rent or the costs associated with owning your own home 

  • Post-secondary education   

  • Disability supports 

  • Automatic benefits and credits/filing your taxes 


Who qualifies? 

Depending on the benefit you are applying for, the requirements and application process will differ. If you are eligible, the amount you receive may depend on your income. 


Benefits to help with the costs of raising children 

Benefit Type About How much could I get?

Canada Child Benefit (CCB) 

This is a monthly payment to help with the cost of raising children under the age of 18. 

If you are eligible for the CCB, you may also automatically receive the following as part of your monthly payment (you do not need to apply): 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

If you are eligible, the amount you receive is based on your income.  

For example, if your adjusted family net income (AFNI) is under $32,797, you get the maximum amount for each child:  

  • under 6 years of age: $6,997 per year ($583.08 per month) 

  • 6 to 17 years of age: $5,903 per year ($491.91 per month) 

Payments gradually start decreasing when the adjusted family net income is over $32,797. 

Try the Child and family benefits calculator to see how much money you could get. 

Daycare Assistance Program 

(children 0 to 12) 

Helps families pay for the cost of Early Learning and Childcare Centres. 

For more information and to apply, visit Social Supports NB’s Help with Daycare and Childcare page. 

If your family’s annual net income is $55,000 or less, you may qualify. 

Try the Daycare Assistance Program calculator to see how much money you could get. 

Designated Centre – Parent Subsidy

(children 0 to 5 – not in school) 

Helps families pay for the cost of Early Learning and Childcare Centres. 

For more information and to apply, visit Social Supports NB’s Help with Daycare and Childcare page. 

If you are eligible, the amount you receive is based on household income between $37,501 to $80,000. 

Try the Designated Centre – Parent Subsidy calculator to see how much money you could get. 


 Benefits for pregnant women and new parents 

Benefit Type About How much could I get?

Maternity/parental benefits 


Provides money to parents who are away from work when they: 

  • Are pregnant  

  • Have recently given birth 

  • Are caring for their newborn or newly adopted child 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website 

If you are eligible, you could receive 55% of your earnings, up to a maximum of $638 a week.  

Prenatal Benefit Program   


Helps families pay for the added cost of food during pregnancy. 

For more information and to apply, visit Social Supports NB’s Support During Pregnancy page. 

To qualify, you must be: a resident of New Brunswick, show proof of pregnancy and have a net family income of less than $29,000 a year. 

The benefit may be paid for up to a maximum of six months starting in the fourth month of pregnancy.  

  Maximum amount is $80/month. 

Postnatal Benefit Program 

Helps new mothers pay for the added cost of food.  

For more information and to apply, visit Social Supports NB’s Support for New Parents page. 

To qualify, you must be: a resident of New Brunswick, show proof of newborns birth and have a net family income of less than $29,000 a year. 

The benefit ($60/month) may be paid for up to a maximum of 4 months after the birth of your baby.  


Benefits for post-secondary education

Benefit Type About How much could I get?

Canada Learning Bond 

(Does NOT require any contribution) 

Helps families pay for the cost of their child’s education after high school. 

The CLB is deposited directly into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for a child. 

Visit MySmartFuture for easy-to-follow instructions on setting up a no-cost RESP and to apply for the Canada Learning Bond. 

If your family’s annual net income is $50,197 or less, you may qualify.  

The government could contribute up to $2,000 per eligible child. This money does not need to be ‘matched’ by a parent. 

Canada Education Savings Grant 

(Requires contribution) 

Please note that if you are eligible, you can receive both the Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant. 

Helps families pay for the cost of their child’s education after high school. Unlike the Canada Learning Bond, you have to pay a portion of the RESP to access this money. 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

If you are eligible, the grant provides 20% of the RESP contributions of up to $2,500. That means the grant can add a maximum of $500 to a RESP each year.  

Children from families with middle or low incomes may be eligible to get an additional amount.  


Benefits related to housing 

Benefit Type About How much could I get?
Canada-New Brunswick Housing Benefit 

This short-term benefit of up to three years helps New Brunswickers who work part-time or at lower-paying jobs who are struggling to afford rent. 

For more information and to apply, visit Social Supports NB’s Canada-New Brunswick Housing Benefit page. 

If you are eligible, the amount you receive is based on your income.  

The combined income of all adults over 19 living in the home (before tax) must be between $12,500 and $50,000. 

Property tax relief programs 

  • Residential Property Tax Credit 

  • Property Tax Allowance  

Tax relief for people who own their own home and it’s their primary residence. 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of New Brunswick’s website

If you are eligible, the amount you receive is based on your income.  

If you and your spouse have a combined taxable income of: 

  • less than $22,000, you are eligible for up to a $300 rebate. 

  • Between $22,001 and $25,000, you are eligible for up to a $200 rebate. 

  • Between $25,001 and $30,000, you are eligible for up to a $100 rebate. 


Benefits related to a disability 

Benefit Type 


How much could I get? 

Child Disability Benefit 

If you are already getting the Canada Child Benefit for your child and they are also eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, you do not need to apply for the Child Disability Benefit.

Monthly payment to help families with a child under the age of 19 with a permanent disability. 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

If you are eligible, the amount you receive is based on your income. You could get up to $2,985 ($248.75 per month). 

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Children’s Benefit

(17 or younger, or 24 or younger and attend a recognized school or university full-time.) 

Monthly payment your children may be able to get if you are receiving the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit.  

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

If you are eligible, the monthly children's benefit is a flat rate that is adjusted annually. For the current year the rate is $281.72 (2023). 

Disability Tax Credit (DTC) 

Helps you or the people who provide you support by reducing the amount of income tax paid.  

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

Once you are approved, you can claim the disability tax credit for the current tax year.  

For example, for people 17 and younger, the amounts for the 2022 income tax year are $ 8,870 (disability amount) + $ 5,174 (supplement for children) = $14,044. 

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) 

If you are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, you qualify for an RDSP.  

The RDSP is a long-term savings plan to help people with disabilities and their families save for the future.  

When you open an RDSP, you can apply for a Canada Disability Savings Grant and Bond that helps with your savings. 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website.

If you are eligible, RDSP is a matching grant that is paid up until December 31 of the year you turn 49. That means that, if you contribute to your plan, the government will also put money into your plan.  

The maximum yearly grant amount is $3,500, with a limit of $70,000 over your lifetime. 


Education funding for people with disabilities 

Benefit Type 


How much could I get? 

Canada Student Grant (for Students with Disabilities) 

This grant is available to students with disabilities for each year of study.  

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website

If you are eligible, you could receive $4,000 for each year of studies. The school year runs from August 1 to July 31. 

Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment (for Students with Disabilities)  


Help purchasing education-related services or equipment for students with a disability.  

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website


If you are eligible, you could receive up to $20,000 per school year. The school year runs from August 1 to July 31.

Severe and Permanent Disability Benefit 

Student loan forgiveness if you have a severe and permanent disability that prevents you from repaying your Canada Student Loans. 

For more information and to apply, visit the Government of Canada’s website


If you are eligible, the full amount of your student loan is forgiven. Once you have received this benefit, you would not be eligible to receive any additional Canada Student Grants or Canada Student Loans. 


Automatic benefits and credits/help filing your taxes 

If you are eligible, you may automatically receive the following benefits/credits when you file your income tax: 

Benefit Type 


How much could I get? 

New Brunswick Harmonized Sales Tax Credit 

Helps families with low and modest incomes offset the cost of sales tax on items purchased. 

For more information visit the Government of New Brunswick’s website

If you are eligible, payments are made 4 times a year.  

  • $300 plus 

  • $300 for spouse / common-law partner or $300 for an eligible child in a single parent family plus 

  • $100 per child 

The credit is reduced by 2% of the adjusted family net income over $35,000. 

View the calculation sheet to see how much money you could get. 

Canada Workers Benefit 

This refundable tax credit helps working individuals and families who are earning a low income.  

For more information visit the Government of Canada’s website.

If you are eligible, the maximum basic amount is $2,461 when your net family income is less than $26,806. You can also qualify for a disability supplement if you meet the requirements.  

Free Income Tax Clinics 

Free tax clinics are hosted by community organizations across Canada through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). 

For more information, visit the Government of Canada’s website.

If you have a modest income and a simple tax situation, you may be eligible to get your tax return done free of charge. 

In general, a modest income means the total family income is less than the following: 

1 person = $35,000 

2 people = $45,000 

3 people = $47,500 

4 people = $50,000 

5 people = $52,500 

Family size includes yourself (or a couple), and any dependents.

About (Short Description)
Learn about federal and provincial benefits that may help you and your family.
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