
The Respiratory Program covers:

  • Breathing aids (ex. spacing devices such as aerochambers or optichambers, aerosol machines, tracheotomy supplies and suction machines)
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
  • Automatic Positive Airway Pressure (APAP)
  • Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BPAP)
  • Bi-level Therapy ST and BPAP with AVAP (rental only)
  • Home ventilation (rental only)
  • Home oxygen therapy 

This program does not cover:

  • Home oxygen therapy for clients 65 and older
  • Purchase of BPAP S/T or BPAP with AVAP therapy units
  • Purchase of ventilators

To apply for bi-level therapy or home ventilation;

Normally these units are requested by medical specialists who have been involved in your care on an on-going basis. They are familiar with the application process and will complete the request on your behalf.

To apply for spacing devices:

  • Get a prescription from your doctor or nurse practitioner. 
  • Take the prescription to your pharmacy.
  • Once the pharmacy determines that you meet the program criteria, they will give you the spacing device and bill Health Services directly.

To apply for all other breathing aids:

  • Your doctor or nurse practitioner will complete the prescription portions of the Breathing Aids Application Form and forward it to the Health Services-authorized respiratory supplier of your choice.
  • The supplier will complete their portion of the application form and send it and a quote to Health Services.
  • Health Services will review the request to determine eligibility and advise the respiratory supplier of their decision.
  • If the request is approved, the respiratory supplier will provide the benefit and bill Health Services directly.
How Do I Apply Steps

To apply for CPAP, APAP or BPAP:

Make an appointment with a CPAP service provider.

Their respiratory therapist must complete a three-month trial with you for the CPAP to get the information needed to apply to buy the unit.

If the three-month trial finds that you are a good candidate for a CPAP, the respiratory therapist will complete the CPAP Application Form and send it to your doctor to fill out their portion of the form.

Once all the documentation is ready, the supplier will send the request for approval to Health Services.

If the request for final purchase is approved, Health Services will advise the supplier who can provide your unit and bill Health Services directly.