
Available to infants over the age of 4 months who need infant formula for medical reasons. This program will provide a maximum of 4 cases (12 cans per case) if medically supported.

Who Qualifies?

​​The Infant Formula Program is available to infants aged 4-24 months.

Please Note: Infants receiving the Infant Formula benefit are NOT eligible for the following through Social Development:

  • Postnatal Benefits,
  • Specialized Infant Formula, or
  • Dietary Supplements.  
How Do I Apply Steps

Have your family doctor, pediatrician, or nurse write a note confirming your child needs infant formula for medical reasons.

Get a written estimate of the monthly cost of formula from your pharmacist.

Submit your request: If you are already receiving Social Assistance, send the note from your family doctor, pediatrician, or nurse, along with the written estimate from your pharmacist to your case manager for further assessment.

If you are not currently receiving Social Assistance, call Social Development at 1-833-733-7835. An agent will take your call and ask you questions to see if you may qualify.

If you may be eligible for Social Assistance, the agent will make an appointment for you to complete the application package and provide the required documents.

Once your application is complete, we will review the information to see if you meet the program’s financial requirements. We will also assess your employability.