
Infants in First Nations Communities with a medical need for hydrolyzed infant formula designed to treat cow’s milk protein allergy. This program only covers the following products:

  • Alimentum
  • Nutramigen
  • Pregestimil

Who Qualifies?

This program is open to infants living in First Nation Communities.

Your infant must have at least one of the following symptoms:

  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Enteropathy (bloody stools, watery diarrhea, and failure to thrive)
  • Severe reflux (vomiting with all feeds and failure to thrive).
How Do I Apply Steps

Have your physician fill out the Specialized Infant Formula Referral Form. If they don’t have a copy of this form when they are prescribing the product, you can ask your Community Health Centre nurse to fax a copy to them. Your physician will give you the completed referral form to apply for this benefit.

Take your form to your Community Health Centre nurse to ask for it to be faxed to the Department of Health address as indicated on the form.

Note: Infants not living in First Nations Communities must apply for the similar program offered by Social Development.