About (Long Description)

Do you need financial help to repair your home or make it more accessible?

If you have a low to moderate income, you may qualify for a loan to help you modify or repair your home. If you have a disability and rent, you may also qualify for support.

The goal is to make your home healthier, safer or more accessible. 


What kind of help is available?

We have a few types of loans. 

For homeowners:

You may be eligible for a forgivable loan of up to $15,000 over seven years for all repairs, including emergencies. If you have a disability, the maximum loan is up to $20,000. Loans depend on budget being available. 

We also have a program for homeowners to create a secondary/garden suite for an adult with a disability. You may be eligible for a forgivable loan of up to $24,000.  

A repayable loan may be available under certain conditions to cover costs above the forgivable loan. These loans are based on your ability to repay.

For landlords: 

If you have a tenant with a disability, you may be eligible for a forgivable loan of up to $10,000 to improve accessibility and safety. 

For examples of eligible repairs, click here

Who Qualifies?

If your total household income is below the Household Income Limit for your area, you may qualify. 


Household Income Limits

HOUSEHOLD URBAN (residing in one of NB's 8 major cities) RURAL (residing outside city limits)
Single person or couple, requiring 1 bedroom $37,000 $50,500
Single person or couple living with another person, requiring 2 bedrooms $47,000 $59,500
Single person or couple living with more than 1 other person, requiring 3 bedrooms $47,000 $67,500


Some exceptions to income limits may apply. Call us to discuss your situation. 


Other Criteria 

For homeowners: 

  • The value of your home is below $175,000
  • Your home is at least five years old
  • It will be your primary residence once the work is done 
  • You own a mobile/mini home on leased land

For landlords:

  • You apply for the assistance, not your tenant
  • You can do your own repairs, but we will only cover the cost of materials, not labour 

Who does NOT qualify?

  • You have a rent-to-own or lease-to-own agreement   
  • You did work before the loan was approved 
How Do I Apply? (Process Steps)

Call Social Development toll-free at 1-833-733-7835. Press 1 for English, 2 for French. Press 2 to talk to someone about housing services. Tell the agent that you would like help with housing repairs or modifications. 

Please have the following ready when you call:

  •  Your most recent Real Property Assessment and Tax Notice
  • Annual household gross income from your (or your tenant's, if you are a landlord) latest Income Tax Return (Line 150) or Notice of Assessment
  •  List of repairs needed

Homeowners also need to provide the following for you, your spouse and all other household members:

  • Full names
  • Dates of birth 
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses

Landlords also need to provide: 

  • Your name
  • Business name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Address of property requiring repairs

We will mail you an application package. Please sign and return it by mail or in-person to your local Social Development office. See "What Do I Need to Apply?" below for a list of what's needed.   

Once you return your application, a housing worker will review it and decide if you qualify.

The housing worker will contact you to discuss your application. If it is eligible for support, they will tell you the next steps you need to take.

We cannot provide a specific turnaround time, as each application is different.

Home inspections are not always needed. If you wish to have one done, please let your housing worker know.

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About (Short Description)
There are a number of funding programs to help you repair or modify your home to make it safer, healthier or more accessible, or to add a secondary/garden suite for a person with a disability.
What Do I Need? (Optional Introduction)

What you need to send in depends on whether you rent or own your home. Your application package will include a checklist of all the documents you need to send and the forms you will need to fill out. 

What Do I Need? (List of Requirements)

Homeowners and landlords will need to submit: 

  • Proof of ownership (Deed or Real Property Tax Assessment and Tax Notice). If you have a mini/mobile home on leased land, please send the Bill of Sale and serial number. 
  • Most recent Real Property Tax Assessment and Tax Notice. 
  • Mortgage information. Your bank or financial institution can fill out this part of the screening letter that will come with your application package. Or you can send a copy of your most recent mortgage statement. 

Homeowners also need: 

  • Income Tax Return and matching T4 slips, or Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada for you and all household members.
  • Birth certificates for you and all household members.
  • If you have a disability, a letter from a healthcare professional about the types of repairs required.  
  • If you were widowed in the last year, proof of your current income, such as a bank statement.
  • If applicable, proof of a Veterans Affairs (DVA) pension, such as a statement or letter from DVA that shows how much you receive.

Landlords also need:

For Renters:

Talk to your landlord about the accessibility changes you need. Your landlord can then apply for financial assistance. We will mail your landlord a Tenant Declaration Form that you will have to fill out. You will also need a letter from a healthcare professional about the types of repairs you need.  
